Configuring HOME TM-D710A TNC 11/23/13 [upon turning on the TNC - current as of 06/28/13] Kenwood Radio Modem AX.25 Level 2 Version 2.0 Release 09/Mar/11 3Chip ver 1.02 Checksum $1859 cmd:DA 130628201300 cmd:HB 1200 HBAUD was 1200 [When connecting to the D710's MBX - current as of 06/28/13] Welcome to KI6ZHD's message board System Ver 1.50 458704 Bytes free CMD(F/K/M/R/W/B/H/?)> ? Commands W(rite) = Type W (callsign) to begin message entering. Subject: = Header(max 30 characters) are entered after the prompt: "Subject:". Ending the header with a carriage return . Message: = Message are entered after the prompt: "Message:". Ending each line with . You terminate with either a /EX or to the indicate end of your message. B(ye) = Type B to DISCONNECT. F(ile) = Type F to show the latest 20 messages. L(ist) = Type L to show the all messages. M(ine) = Type M to show latest 20 messages (to or from you). Subsequent F or M command will show next 20 active messages. R(ead) = Type R n to show the number n message. A(bort) = Type A to Abort. J = Type J to show connect stations. K(ill) = Type K n to delete the number n message (only to or from you). H(elp)or ?= Type H or ? to display this. #Standard settings to get things going #-------- # Settings should be retained across power cycles #-------- HBAUD 1200 ECHO ON MYCALL KI6ZHD MYMCALL KI6ZHD-1 #date +%y%m%d%H%M%S DAYTIME 100516121030 BTEXT KI6ZHD / KI6ZHD-1 :: All Linux in CM97ai :: Santa Clara, CA BEACON EVERY 60 CONOK ON MONITOR ON MBOD ON MCOM ON USERS 3 MAIL ON TOUT 250 MRPT on beacon text command was: ---- BTEXT KI6ZHD / KI6ZHD-1 :: 3720.613N 12159.998W - CM97ai :: Santa Clara, CA -- The D7/D700/D710 radio TNC can be be placed in one of 3 modes: 1. Radio Control mode. TNC off. Commands can be sent to change freq, operating modes etc. Radio display does not show "TNC". --> see bottom of this file for examples 2. APRS mode. TNC is on, but not readily accessible via the serial port. APRS activity is shown on the D7/D700/D710 display and all radio functions are available via button presses etc. Radio display shows "TNC". 3. Packet mode. TNC is on and can be placed in COMMAND or CONVERSE Mode. APRS activity is not shown on display, but available via the serial port. Radio shows "TNC" and "Packet"; Specific settings: ------------------------------------------------------ #MYCALL or MYM # set your callsign MYCALL KI6ZHD #MYMCALL or MYM # set the callsign for the mailbox MYMCALL KI6ZHD-1 #MYALIAS or MYA # callsign used when using this machine as a digipeater MYALIAS SCLARA #BEACON or BT #Set BEACON text [160 char max] BTEXT KI6ZHD / KI6ZHD-1 :: 3720.613N 12159.998W - CM97ai :: Santa Clara, CA #CONOK or CONO # Allow for remote connectionect [ on or off ] CONOK ON #MBOD or MB # Enable the mailbox feature - default:off #BEACON or B #change the BEACON RATE [unit is 10sec] -- set to 10min BEACON EVERY 60 #ID or I # Send a beacon #CONMODE or COMN #auto switch into converse or transparent mode once connected [C or T #DAYSTAMP or DAYS # sets the TNC date - DAYTIME #CONSTAMP or CONS # datestamp when connections are made CONSTAMP #Communication parameters #------------------------ #HBAUD # change teh speed [1200 or 9600] #DWAIT # Time from no carrier to TX : default is 30 [ in ms ] #TXDELAY or TX # between PTT on and start of TX - default:30 [0-120] unit is 10ms #AXDELAY or AXD #change the PTT to TX delay from default:0ms [unit is 10ms] #AXDELAY #DIGIPEAT or DIG # Enable digipeating :default is ON [ ON or OFF] #KISS or KISS # Enter KISS mode [ ON or OFF] - powercycling the radio disables KISS mode #MAXFRAME or MAX # max frames per Tx : default:4 [1-7] #PACLEN or P # max packet length - default:128 [ 0 -255 ] #PACTIME or PACT # send a packet after delay - default: AFTER 10 [EVERY/AFTER 0-250] #PERSIST or PE # probability of the PERIST/SLOTTIME method - default:128 [0-255] #PPERSIST or PP # ON uses PERSIST/TIMESLOT : OFF uses DWAIT - #RESPTIME or RES # ACK TX time - default:5 [0-250] #RETRY or RE # Number of packet retries - default:10 [0-15] #SENDPAC or SE # char to force a packet - default:$0D #SLOTTIME or SL # Random generation intervals for the PERSIST/SLOTTIME - default:3 [0-250] - UNIT is 10ms #Change unproto path unproto David via KLPRC,KMOC,KTUO,KBERR,KRDG,KCORN,TAH0E a=$'\x03' To manually put the TNC into KISS mode from command mode: -- enter kiss -- mon off kiss on restart exit kiss -- 192,255,192 See current TNC settings: -------------------- display a - async / rs232 parameters display c - character / special TNC parameters display h - health (various counters, etc) display i - ID paramters display l - Link or TNC to TNC parameters - shows hidden, unsupported commands like softdcd and passall too display m - monitoring parameters display t - Timing parameters For example: -- cmd:display c LCSTREAM ON SENDPAC $0D STREAMSW $01 STREAMCA ON STREAMDB OFF Operational ----------- #Connect or C # Connect to a remote node - "C k6sny-1 via W6XSC-1" #UNPROTO or U # use a digipeater say "U k6sny-1 via W6XSC-1" #CONVERSE or CONV or K # Enter converse mode # -- control-c to exit to command mode #TRANS or T # Enter transparent mode - control-c,c,c to to command mode #DISCONNE or D # Disconnect #NEWMODE or NE # Once connected, TNC enters the other mode : default:OFF [OFF|ON] #LOG or LOG # Show who has connected to your mailbox #MCON or MC : default:OFF [OFF or ON] # Promisuous monitor even when we are connected to another station #MCOM or MCOM # SHOW all AX.25 or just INFO packets default:off [ OFF or ON ] #MONITOR or M # Monitor packets coming in - default:ON [OFF or ON] #MRPT or MR # TNC to display full digipeat path - default:on #MSTAMP or MS # timestamp all packets #TRACE or T # shows HEX # display packets in their entirety - default: off [ OFF or ON] TNC MAILBOX --------- #FILE or FI # View TNC mailbox #LIST or LI # show ALL mail #READ or R # read a specific message #MINE or MI # show all of MY sent or received messages #WRITE or W # write a message. Use enter, control-c, enter to finish #KILL or KI # Delete a specific message #EXTCLR or EXTC # Empty TNC mailbox #MAIL or MAI # indicates when a message is in your mailbox - default:OFF [ ON or OFF ] #TOUT or TOUT # timeout for people connected to mailbox - default:30 [0-250] - unit is 10sec #USERS # max number of INBOUND channles to connect requests - default:1 [0-10] USERS=3 Research this ------------- # softdcd - command will allow non-squelched operation but it's very VERY slow to operate # passall - disables all CRC checks and displays partial packets. Good for weak signal work but is dangerous as the radio might respond to corrupt packets #UISSID or UIS #When ON, cause the TNC to process received UI packets depending on included # destination SSID # default:OFF [ON or OFF] # # do some remote transmissions and see the SSID suffix #Sending UNPROTO traffic #----------------------- #in D710 command mode # # Change the path of the broadcasts : default is CQ # When digipeating, having a remote node listed even when you can't hear # it will allow that machine to accept the message from another node that's # digipeating for you # unproto or U David via WOODY,KPAC,KLIVE,KBERR,KBETH,KTUO,KMOC # or # KPAC,KLIVE,KBERR,KTUO,KBETH,WOODY # Enter convers mode, use ^C^C^C and wait to exit to command mode: conv #In a modified 0.17pre3 Linpac (ask KI6ZHD for diffs) # # UNSRC default is "LINPAC" # UNDSST default is "INFO" :UNSRC KI6ZHD :UNDEST "DAVID WOODY KPAC KLIVE KBERR KBETH KTUO KMOC" NOTE: The first entry, BEACON is a generic entry. Seems some UNPROTO QSOs set this to the first name of the desired HAM :UNPROTO Alternatively, you can use the F10 screen in Linpac (running the D710 in KISS mode) for much easier use of UI unproto traffic Example Packet sessions ----------------------- From K6SNY-1 ------------ W6XSC-1 05/15/2010 21:50:20 KJ6CQJ 05/15/2010 22:02:33 WG6D-7* 05/15/2010 23:15:55 WG6D-5 05/15/2010 23:25:24 WG6D-6 05/16/2010 08:09:51 AD6TL-3 05/16/2010 09:25:31 WN6I-7 05/16/2010 11:54:11 NOCALL 05/16/2010 12:44:04 K6OTT 05/16/2010 12:45:12 WB6TMS-15 05/16/2010 12:51:45 W6XSC-6 05/16/2010 13:03:46 KE6AFE-10* 05/16/2010 13:10:09 WB6TMS 05/16/2010 13:11:44 KB6YNO-10* 05/16/2010 13:12:29 K6RWG 05/16/2010 13:17:15 WR6ABD 05/16/2010 13:19:38 W6XSC-2 05/16/2010 13:21:49 KI6ZHD-1 05/16/2010 13:28:02 from W6XSC-1 on 440 ------------------- Interface Station Time since send Pkts sent p440 W6XSC 0:03:54:40 5769 Station Time since heard Pkts rcvd : Station Time since heard Pkts rcvd K6MTV-3 0:00:00:16 5372 : K6FSH-3 0:00:24:29 540 W6XSC 0:03:54:40 4389 : K6FSH 0:03:54:40 644 K6MTV 0:03:54:49 5833 : K6FSH-1 0:03:55:29 159 N6MEF-3 0:04:29:59 2484 : N6MEF 0:04:31:33 812 FREC 1:05:37:14 2 : KA3L-3 3:09:26:13 268 KA3L 5:07:31:58 152 : K6MTV-1 6:00:03:26 41 W6XSC-3 6:00:03:30 1376 : KA3L-15 11:04:38:03 23 KV6U 11:21:32:54 285 : KV6U-3 11:21:54:31 26 LAHEOC 12:00:49:59 25 : W6LAH-1 12:01:26:48 56 W6LAH 12:01:37:25 13 : W6XRL4 14:01:30:28 12 FAKEOC 57:02:49:42 3 : N6MEF-10 75:19:24:50 1 KN6PE 80:18:32:52 81 : DAFFY 88:02:29:20 4 LOSEOC 88:02:29:48 34 : SJCEOC 89:03:25:00 14 XSCEOC 89:04:02:26 14 : W6XSC-4 94:17:05:12 122 N6MEF-15 95:16:10:34 28 : NOCALL 109:22:03:05 4 CUPEOC 114:05:09:22 1 Example Rig Controll Example for the D710: ------------------------------------------ Hamlib for Linux, Windows, etc supports the D710's rig control The generally required sequence to program the D7 is: 1. Place the D7 in Radio Control Mode with the command: # Turn off TNC. "TNC" no longer appears on radio display. TC 1 2. Don't think this works on the R710 rs232. Needs to be the PC port on the radio Issue all commands to set D7 VFO freq, step, Data bands etc. Example command (VFO A to 145.93, VFO B to 435.225): # VFO A FQ 00145930000,0 # VFO B FQ 00435225000,1 3. Does NOT work on a D710 Reset D7 to packet mode. Causes TNC to Reset. Command: # Turn on TNC. Re-initializes. "TNC" and "Packet" appear on radio # display. TC 0 4. After a delay to allow for TNC re-initialization, the HBAUD command must be issued (does not appear to be persistant from control to Packet mode) : HBAUD 9600 or HBAUD 1200 working reset of the TNC from KISS mode #in command mode KISS ON RESTART TC 1 - puts the R710 into frequency control mode TN 2,0 - sets packet to Band-A using STTY commands doesn't allow to take into freq mode. I think this might be a lack of DTR issue as it works in Minicom. Hmmmm TC 0 - puts the R710 into command mode TN 0,0 sets to command mode TN 1,0 sets ARPS to Band-A TN 1,1 sets ARPS to Band-B TN 2,1 sets packet to Band-B Determining the state of a serial port --------------------------------------- stty -F /dev/xxxxx :: show settings for that port stty -F /dev/xxxxx 9600 :: ( set it to 9600 ) stty -F /dev/xxxxx -echo :: ( turn off echo ) One Method to put the D710 into KISS mode ----------------------------------------- #VHF packetrig serial port AX25 name VHFD710AXPORT=d710 #VHF packetrig serial port AX25 interface VHFD710AXINT=ax0 #VHF packetrig serial port Unix device VHFD710PORT="/dev/ttyS0" #VHF packetrig serial port COMM speed # Speed needs to be set in /etc/ax25/axports too VHFD710BAUD="9600" (stty -F $VHFD710PORT ispeed $VHFD710BAUD ospeed $VHFD710BAUD -ignpar cs8 -cstopb -echo; echo -e "TC 1\n"; ) <$VHFD710PORT >$VHFD710PORT (stty -F $VHFD710PORT ispeed $VHFD710BAUD ospeed $VHFD710BAUD -ignpar cs8 -cstopb -echo; echo -e "TN 2,0\n"; ) <$VHFD710PORT >$VHFD710PORT (stty -F $VHFD710PORT ispeed $VHFD710BAUD ospeed $VHFD710BAUD -ignpar cs8 -cstopb -echo; echo -e "KISS ON\n"; ) <$VHFD710PORT >$VHFD710PORT (stty -F $VHFD710PORT ispeed $VHFD710BAUD ospeed $VHFD710BAUD -ignpar cs8 -cstopb -echo; echo -e "RESTART\n"; ) <$VHFD710PORT >$VHFD710PORT [INIT_COMMANDS] ^C^C^C ;Control mode on. TC 1!TS 1 ;Select TNC PKT mode on A band. TN 2,0!TN 2,0 ;Waiting for command prompt. ^M!cmd:!5 ;Repeating the first two commands is not an error! ECHO OFF BEACON EVERY 0 ECHO OFF BEACON EVERY 0 Possible bug on the D710 in MBX mode when NOT connected to a PC: -- I have reported the following issue to Kenwood as case #: EVF-XJ7N A new ham discovered that even though a PACKET connection can be made with the mbx and his tnc will provide the initial connect response with usual mbx message, it will not respond to any other commands from the remote connecting station unless his tnc is in communication with PC! I started to research this as my home D710 is always connected to a PC. Since I also have a D710 in the car, I tried it out and low and behold, I could reproduce the same behavior! Specifically, after connecting to the mailbox while the TNC wasn't connected to a PC, I would get the response: d710: fm KI6ZHD-10 to KI6ZHD ctl RNR0- After that, even MY home TNC wouldn't send more packets to the "problematic" TNC. According to the AX.25 spec: -- Receive Not Ready (RNR) Command and Response Receive Not Ready indicates to the sender of I frames that the receiving TNC is temporarily busy and cannot accept any more I frames. Frames up to N(R)-1 are acknowledged. Frames N(R) and above that may have been transmitted are discarded and must be retransmitted when the busy condition clears. The RNR condition is cleared by the sending of a UA, RR, REJ or SABM(E) frame. The status of the TNC at the other end of the link is requested by sending an RNR command frame with the P bit set to one. -- So I started thinking that once the PC is disconnected, maybe it's the default monitoring settings like MCON, MCOM, and MONITOR that was filling up the buffer but the PC wasn't pulling the data out. It was then then kicking in the serial flow control which was breaking things up. I tried turning off all the various monitoring stuff but that didn't help as I suspected. Then I found the solution though it's NOT intuitive: XFLOW ON XFLOW "off" tells the TNC to use Software Flow control (the default) but "on" says to use Hardware flow control. Once set to HW FLow control (in theory, uses the RS232 RTS/CTS serial lines), then the TNC started to work fine while not connected to the PC. That doesn't make sense since the RTS/CTS lines aren't responding but none the less, that seems to be the solution! Btw, since the HAM is getting started, you might want to confirm what firmware is installed in the TNC. You can see this: On my unit, I have: TNC firmware: 1.02 Operational firmware: 2.10 <---- the current version is 2.11) --> "Firmware Updating Program TM-D710 / RC-D710 TNC Update Version.1.02" -- You can check the firmware version of your TM-D710A/E (RC-D710) built-in TNC by the following procedures. 1. Turn the Power ON. 2. Press [TNC] to enter APRS mode. 3. Turn the Power OFF. 4. Press [PF1] + Power ON. (this is the second to last button on the bottom row of button's on the D710 head - from left to right) 5. Then the TNC's firmware version appears in the upper right of the LCD display.(Above the Operation Panel's firmware version) -- Notes on the Kenwood D710's implimentation of KISS: --------------------------------------------------- 30-Apr-09, The following is a note from Rick Muething, KN6KB, Winlink Development Team, in response to this radios' "KISS bug". As posted to the BPQ32 yahoo group, Rick writes... "The 710 “bug” is not a violation of the KISS protocol… it is the result of trying to use the same serial port for both a TNC and a Front panel control. The problem is when in KISS mode (which sends binary packets “encapsulated in the KISS protocol” it is possible to have the character sequence “TC 0” as binary or character data within the KISS encapsulation. This sequence will be interpreted by the serial port controller in the Control head of the D710 as “escape to control mode” and which will switch the serial interface from TNC mode to front panel control mode. This can have disastrous affects when trying to transfer binary files using KISS. "One solution would be to entice Kenwood to modify the firmware in the control head to having entered the KISS protocol to ignore all mode control commands including “TC 0”. This would require using the standardized escape KISS sequence {0xC0, 0xFF, 0xC0} prior to any control panel commands and then re enabling KISS to continue TNC operation…This gets tricky and is very likely to impact existing programs that now work. "The solution we used and which appears to work well and is solid is to escape the “C” character. So when any data is sent to the TNC in KISS mode, if there is an ASCII “C” it is replaced by the sequence <0xDB>”C” which essentially escapes the “TC 0” sequence. The KISS protocol (in the D710’s KISS TNC implementation) removes the <0xDB> which is the frame escape so no modification of the transmitted data stream is actually made. Thanks to Peter Woods for figuring this out." -- -- I have been hunting around the Yahoo TM-D710 group. It seems to be a common problem getting the D710 and UI View to work together. There are a lot of variables that need to be just right. The TM-D710 Yahoo group has three .CMD files for the TM-D710 to work with UI-View. I'm going to try them now. -- unsupported "softdcd" mode - doesn't work well --,or.r_qf.&bvm=bv.48572450,d.cGE&fp=62646a230147e4b&biw=1680&bih=898 -- more good details Other helpful sites: Full list of hidden commands: -- Errata ------ 11/10/13 - Added a note on running the D710 in MBX mode when NOT connected to PC - Updated the default AXDELAY and TXDELAY defaults 08/22/10 - previous version